Cornhole Club Bylaws

Trilogy at Vistancia
Cornhole Club Bylaws
December 29, 2018
Section A – Name of Organization:
The name of this organization shall be the Trilogy at Vistancia Cornhole Club, hereinafter known as TVCC or the “Cornhole Club”.
Section B – Purpose of Organization:
The purpose of this organization is to promote the knowledge, appreciation and understanding of playing the game of Cornhole within Trilogy at Vistancia (the “Community”) through organized League Play and social events.  
Section C – Compliance:
These Bylaws comply with the Project Documents of the Trilogy at Vistancia Community Association (the “Association”). In the event of a conflict between these Bylaws and the Project Documents, the Project Documents shall prevail. All Cornhole Club operations and activities shall be subject to the “Kiva Club” and the Association’s Board of Directors.
Section D –  Charter Club:
The TVCC shall be operated as a chartered club of the Association in accordance with applicable statues and the Project Documents. 
Section E – Membership Roster:
The TVCC Membership Roster is the exclusive property of the TVCC and the Association and shall be used only for official TVCC and Association purposes. Use of the roster for individual or business solicitation is expressly prohibited. 
Section F  Capitalized Terms: 
Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Trilogy at Vistancia.
Section A  Membership Eligibility:
Membership shall be open to all Residents who are in good standing with the Association under the Project Documents, without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, familial status or national origin. There shall be no other precondition for membership, nor will members be required to join any national, state, or regionally affiliated organization. 
Section B  Disciplinary Procedures: 
Proper conduct and common courtesy are essential. Disciplinary procedures shall be in compliance with the Chartered Club Rules, as may be amended from time to time by 
Association’s Board of Directors.
Section C – Dues:
Annual membership dues, for existing and new members, shall be determined by the TVCC Board at the TVCC Board meeting and communicated to the membership in the FALL of each year. Existing member dues are payable each year on or before November 1st of each year. Dues not paid by November 1st shall be deemed delinquent and the member may be dropped from the rolls. Due amounts may change from year to year. 
Annual Fee:
For 2019 the cost and timing is as follows

  • Founding Members:  – defined as anyone joining the club by January 31, 2019. Their membership will run through December 31, 2020.
  • General Membership: For anyone joining after January 31st, 2019, dues will be $20 per year and membership will run to end of the calendar year of 2019.
  • Dues amount may be changed year to year
Section D  Bylaws:
These Bylaws shall be available to all members via the club website.
Section A  Composition: 
The TVCC Board shall consist of nine (5) elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and one Member at Large. All officers shall be directors on the TVCC Board. 
The Club Board may appoint members to fill an unexpired term. The General Club Membership must elect all voting Club Board Members, except those members who are appointed. The Club Executive Board may be assisted by the chairperson of such committees as may be established by the Club Executive Board to carry out the club’s function and purposes.
Section B  Term of Office: 
Term of Office: All Officers and Directors are elected for a one (1) year term and can succeed themselves provided they receive a majority vote of those in attendance at the election.  
Section C - Executive Board: 
A distinction is drawn between the officers of the Cornhole Club that constitute the Executive Board and committee chairs. The Executive Board shall consist of four (5) members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member at Large.  Remaining TVCC Board members are committee chairs. Together, the officers and committee chairs constitute the TVCC Board. 
Section D – Vacancies:
A vacancy on the TVCC Executive Board, except that of the President, shall be filled by the TVCC Board. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall become President and the vacancy in the office of the Vice-President will be filled by the TVCC Board. Any officers appointed to fill vacancies may serve for the remainder of the term of the officer they are replacing.
Section E  Board Meetings
TVCC Board meetings will normally be held on a semi-annual basis. Meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Board at any time with notification to all TVCC Board members. 
Section F – Responsibility
The TVCC Board shall exercise and perform such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Association Rules and TVCC Bylaws, including, but not limited to: 
Direct and supervise the administration and management of the TVCC. 
      Attend all Board, Annual and Special Meetings of the TVCC in so far as practical. 
      Have authority to create Standing Rules and Procedures. 
Section G  Board Member Duties
President: Shall preside over all club meetings and be accountable for the administration of club business.  The Club President shall carry out the direction and policies established by the Club Executive Board.
The Club President shall act as principle liaison between the club and the HOA and shall appoint members of all committees that have been authorized by the club board, and shall also appoint the chairpersons of such committees.
In the event of vacancies on the Club Executive Board, the Club President shall appoint, with Club Executive Board approval, interim replacement Club Executive Board Members to finish out the term until official elections can be held.
The Club President shall ensure that all club Officers and Directors read, understand and willfully comply with Association’s Governing Documents and Club Rules and Procedures.
Vice-President: Shall perform all duties of the Club President in the event of the Club President’s absence or inability to perform and shall also perform other such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned, with Club Executive Board approval, from time to time by the Club President.
Secretary: Shall keep the club records, issue notices of all meetings of the Club Executive Board or General Membership, shall keep minutes thereof, conduct all correspondence relating to the club’s business, and furnish whatever reports to the Association or other persons or organizations as may be required.
Treasurer: Shall receive and deposit all monies due to the club and pay all obligations that may be incurred by the club in the regular course of its business, shall keep an up-to-date ledger of all financial transactions and provide financial reports as may be required at all meetings of the Club Executive Board or General Membership.  Prepare and submit Year End Reports and maintain previous years’ financial records. 
Member at Large: Serves as a liaison between the board of directors and the rest of the organization. Member at Large has no specific duties, and the role may change according to need.

Section H - Decisions by the Board
All decisions requiring a vote of the Executive Board or the entire TVCC Board are made by simple majority of those present. Quorum for a vote of the Executive Board is the presence of at least three-quarters (3/4) of the Executive Board members. Quorum for a vote of the TVCC Board is the presence of at least a majority of the TVCC Board members, including a minimum of two (2) Executive Board members. In the event of a tie vote among the TVCC Board members, a Past President’s vote shall break the tie. 
Section A – Applications
Any member in good standing is eligible to serve on the Board. Applications (for specific officer positions) shall be solicited and gathered by the TVCC Board before December 1st of each year. 
Section B – Selection: 
All applications shall be reviewed and a slate for the new TVCC Board and officers shall be selected by a vote of the TVCC Board members during the December Board meeting. A quorum of the TVCC Board is a majority of the Board members; i.e., five (5) Board members with a minimum of two (2) Executive Board members present. 
Section C  Approval:
The slate of officers shall be sent to all TVCC members, via electronic mail by the secretary, for approval no later than December 15th.
Section D Confirmation: 
A simple majority of those members who vote will carry. If a slate of candidates is not confirmed, the TVCC Board shall submit a new slate of candidates to the TVCC members for approval within thirty (30) days after the immediately preceding slate of candidates was disapproved. 
Section E New Board Seating
The new officers will assume their responsibilities on January 1st of the year immediately following their election. If, however, a new TVCC is not confirmed until after January 1 of the applicable year, the new officers will assume their responsibilities the day following their confirmation. 

Section A - Expenditures: Unbudgeted single expenditures not to exceed $500.00 must be approved by the Club Executive Board in its discretion. Unbudgeted single expenditures in excess of $500.00 must be approved by a majority vote of those present at a general membership meeting.
Section B - Reimbursements: Signatories are encouraged to request reimbursement for their own expenditures from a second signatory.
Section C - Financial Records: Qualified persons or organizations, at the discretion of the Club Executive Board, club members, or the Activities Director, may audit the club’s financial records.
Section D - Annual Budget, Cash, and Inventory of Club Assets: The Club Executive Board shall prepare an annual budget to be presented to the General Membership at a regularly scheduled membership meeting. All funds/revenues shall be deposited in a bank account established in the club’s name with the Association as may be necessary in the opinion of the Club Executive Board to properly conduct the club’s business.  All cash receipts shall be deposited in one or more of said accounts. All expenditures over a $10 maximum made by the club or any member on behalf of the club must be made by check or debit only. The club may maintain a Petty Cash Fund not to exceed $50 and allow disbursements from this fund for receipted incidental expenses not to exceed $10 each disbursement; cash float funds are permitted not to exceed $50.  The Treasurer shall keep appropriate receipts and invoices covering all such transactions as part of the club’s financial records. The Club Executive Board shall designate not less than two Club Executive Board Members as persons authorized to sign checks drawn of the club’s bank account(s) preferably the Treasurer and the Club President.
Section E.    All monies received by the club from special activities and events must be deposited into the club’s bank account.  All associated disbursements must be made by check or debit. No disbursements may be made from “un-banked” monies.   
Section F  Retention of Records: 
Financial records shall be retained for a period of not less than seven (7) years. 
Section G  Parent Organization
The TVCC operates as a part of the Trilogy at Vistancia Community Association, which is a mutual benefit, non-profit organization. Any and all bank accounts shall be opened under the TAVCA’s Federal Identification Number.
Section H  Annual Audits
On an annual basis, before January 15th, the financial statements of the TVCC shall be presented to the Activities Director of Trilogy at Vistancia Community Association by the club treasurer. The financial statements shall include a balance sheet and an income statement and be prepared following generally accepted accounting principles. The fiscal year shall begin on January 1, and end on the last day of December. 
Section I  Access to Records
The Activities Director and/or Director of Resort Operations, with minimum notice, shall have access to all of the books and records of the club. 
Section A  Appointments
Committee Chairpersons, if any, are appointed by the TVCC Board. 
Section B  Selection of Committee Members: 
Committee members are volunteers selected from club members in good standing and approved by the Executive Board. 
Section C  Additional Committees
The Executive Board may create standing or temporary committees. Committees other than the Audit Committee may be disbanded at any time by the Executive Board. 
Section D  Audit Committee
The TVCC shall have an audit committee as required by the Trilogy at Vistancia Chartered Club Rules. 
Section A  Governance: 
These Bylaws shall serve as the governing rules for the operation of the TVCC. 
Section B  Compliance
These Bylaws will fully comply with any applicable federal and state laws and the Association’s governing documents. In the event of a conflict between the bylaws and the Association’s documents or rules, the latter shall apply. 
Section C  Amendments or Revisions
This document may be amended or revised as necessary from time to time. All such amendments or revisions shall be in writing and must be approved by the Executive Board and the Association Board. 
Prior to club dissolution (after all debts are satisfied), all property and assets shall be turned over to Trilogy at Vistancia Community Association.
Submitted for Approval: 
Signed:  Michael Pagliarulo_________ Date: December 29, 2018_ 
Club President 
Recommended for Approval:
Signed:_________________________ Date:______________
Activities Director 

The foregoing application and the attached Bylaws are hereby approved and the Charter is hereby granted, subject to the Charter Club rules and procedures and subject to Article 9 of the Rules and Regulations.

Signed:_________________________ Date:______________
Community Manager for 
The Board of Directors

Trilogy Cornhole Club, 27980 N Trilogy Blvd., Peoria AZ 85383

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